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For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. ~ Matthew 25:35-36


Community Outreach at Central

Our Belief

One of our fundamental beliefs is that a church is present in a community to serve that community. As a result of this, we host various outreach initiatives throughout the year. We challenge every member of our church to be part of our community outreach efforts. We believe that it is the responsibility of the Christian to serve others, we as a church provide our members with the opportunity to fulfill that duty.


Feed and clothe

One Saturday we took on the challenge of feeding every homeless person we could find in the city. We deployed 6 teams to different parts of the city with hot meals and fresh t shirts. The following year we upped the ante by adding a live concert and providing hygiene kits in Detroit’s Cass Corridor community. 


Love Week

For 7 days straight we served our community at various locations serving various causes. Events including, packing food for those in need, feeding the local football team and hosting a concert at a nursing home. 


Harvest Party

We hosted 700 families from our community this year on Halloween night. We provided them with free food, lots of candy, horseback riding, petting zoo, bounce houses and much more.


Adopt A School

 During Christmas time, we partnered with several other organizations to provide every child in a local elementary school with bags of gifts for every student. We were honored to serve the class with special needs. 


Angel Tree

We’ve partnered with Angel Tree to adopt 60 children with incarcerated parents for Christmas by providing them with gifts on behalf of their incarcerated parents. 


Thanksgiving Dinner Giveaway

Every year for the last several years we’ve fed an average of 500 persons during thanksgiving by providing them with all the ingredients needed to prepare a full thanksgiving meal.